Healing can be fun.

Signup for the Soul Healing NewsLetter today and gain access to a plethora of resources.

“BecOMe one with your Soul

And bring Heaven on earth,

REMEMBER why you’re HERE.”


Veronica Parks / Soul Healer


Fill up your cup

My beautiful soul, welcome to our soulfamily and to discover how to make healing fun for you. Let's start with a question, are you ready to fill up your cup and give from your most powerful self?

Discover Our NewsLetter Editions

1st edition


2nd Edition


3rd edition


4th edition

Coming in August

What will you find in the newsletter?

A plethora of soul healing resources

Here's a brief summary of the key elements you will find in the newsletter.

And note the emphasis on "brief" because there are more hidden gems for you to discover.

Channeled Angel's Message

The inspiring, uplifting, and healing message your soul needs to hear and instantly clear your energy and raise your vibration

Soul Healing Journey

A meditation you can repeat several times during the month to deepen the activation.

SoulFun Adventures

Come join me as I travel and visit various places. You'll most often find me on the trees and also in healing natural springs, lakes, rivers, and other sacred energy vortices.

Get the scoop of what's new!

Most importantly, you will be the first to hear about any announcements.

Our Angels are guiding this project and we share it with you with outmost love and joy in our hearts.

Sign Up for the Soul Healing Newsletter!

Be the first to receive it as soon as it becomes available.

Veronica Parks

Master Soul Healer and spiritual teacher

Founder of the Angels Gate Academy, a spiritual road to Self-Mastery.


No Medical Claims are Expressed or Implied. All content on this site is informational and is not intended to substitute for Professional Medical, Surgical, or Psychiatric Care.